Shopping centre Rokycanská, Plzeň

Shopping centre Rokycanská, Plzeň

About the building

A shopping centre with a wide range of shops and services.

In February 2020, Trigea bought the Obchodní centrum shopping centre in Plzeň. It is a shopping gallery with more than 60 retail units. The most important tenants are international companies such as Tesco, H&M, New Yorker, C&A, RESERVED and McDonald’s.

The average duration of lease contracts is 4.2 years. We are pleased that our second investment is a great shopping centre in Pilsen.

Key data

  • Address: Rokycanská 1424/128, Plzeň
  • Built: 2001
  • Type of building: Shopping centre
  • Occupancy: 100%
  • Developer: Tesco Holding
  • Leasable area: 29,331 m2
  • Parking spaces: 1,110
  • Certification: BREEAM
  • Main tenants: Tesco, H&M, EW, SinSay, SportsDirect, C&A, Datart, CCC,

    Sportisimo, New Yorker, dm drogerie, KFC, McDonald’s

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