Development chart

Look at how Trigea is doing.
Current price of the investment share as of 31. 01. 2025:0,12009 €
Cumulative performance over the period in %
1 měsíc0,37
3 měsíce2,04
6 měsíců3,06
Od začátku roku0,37
1 rok6,65
2 roky14,67
3 rokyN/A
5 letN/A
Od založení20,09
Average annual performance over the period in %
2 roky7,05
3 rokyN/A
5 letN/A
Od založení6,66

Historical price


Calculator: How much you can earn when investing

The expected annual return over the investment period is 6,43 %
Select the currency of the sub-fund
0 Your total deposits
0 Yield
Value of investment at the end*0
Start investing
The calculation is based on the expected yield, but future returns are not guaranteed. Constant fluctuations in the value of units are an inherent feature of investment funds. All investment instruments entail a risk of loss. Any references to past performance are for information only and do not represent a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future returns. The return on investment is not guaranteed. For further information, please refer to the Statute and the Key Information Document of the Fund. *THE CALCULATION DOES NOT INCLUDE FEES AS PER THE PRICE LIST.

Key data about the fund

  • The fund’s investment strategy is to purchase and hold high-quality commercial properties that are already being leased and generate stable rental income
  • Investment horizon: 5 years and more
  • Minimum investment: CZK 500/EUR 20
  • Entrance fee: depending on the amount invested, at most 3 %
  • Exit fee: not set
  • Fund depository: UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s.
  • Fund auditor: KPMG Česká republika Audit, s.r.o.
  • Accumulation account number – CZK class: 1387554319 / 2700
    Accumulation account number – EUR class: 1387963307 / 2700
  • Date of establishment – CZK class: 1 April 2019
    Date of establishment – EUR class: 1 April 2022
  • Management fee: at most 2 %, currently 1.75 %
  • ISIN – CZK class: CZ0008043874
    ISIN – EUR class: CZ0008043882

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